
guanabana or graviola (Annona muricata) for cancer

Properties and principal actions: anticancer, antibacterial, antitumor, antimparazitar, reduces heart rate, hypotensive, vasodilator, sedative, anticonvulsant, antiviral, antifebril, vermicide, digestive.
Parties used: leaves, fruits, seeds, bark, roots.
Standard Dosage: leaf-infusion - a cup 3 times per day,  2-4 ml tincture 3 times per day,  gr-2 capsules 3 times per day.
Precautions: reduces heart rate, is vasodilator and hypotensive, so pay attention to cardiac patients. Excessive dosages could cause vomiting and nausea. Do not combine with coenzyme Q10.
Contraindications: Do not use during pregnancy, nor by cardiac patients. Not recommend a long-term use in high dosages because of the strong antibacterial activity, which can lead to destruction of intestinal flora. However up to a dosage of 6 grams per day can also be used for longer periods and preventive dosage up to 3 grams is devoid of hazard. Alcohol-based extracts revealed no toxicity or side effects up to a dose of 100 mg / kg.
Interactions with other medicines: None reported.
Tips & Warnings The powder can be easily encapsulate. Administration through capsules seem to be the ideal solution.
 Is encountered in both Americas. All parts of the plant is used by traditional medicine. Fruits are used against parasites and intestinal worms, fever, to enhance breast milk and against diarrhea.
Chemicals in plants: many chemical components were found as early as 1940, when Graviola began to be systematically investigated. Three different studies have certificates the antitumor action of Graviola (1990). Acetogenine of plant substances are responsible for these qualities. Four studies since 1998 have certified again substances: antitumour, antiviral and anticancer. From the group of acetogeninelor , the most important substance is annonaceous. In three independent studies found that acetogenii have outstanding qualities to block the enzymatic processes that occur only in the membrane of cancer cells. This substance is poisonous only for cancer cells and not healthy ones.
In 1997 University Purdue in USA released an ample study which certifies the same anticancer qualities. It seems that acetogeninul block energy sources of cancer cell , thus destroying them (blocks the ATP). It is known that cancer cells need very much energy. Thus, without energy required, cancer cells die. Also researchers at Purdue University showed that of 14 types acetogene, 13 are more efficient against the breast cancer than standard drugs administered in this condition (Adriamycin, vincristine and vinblastine).
Other substances in Graviola are annohexocin, annocatalin, annomontacin, annomo-nicin,  annomuricatin 1 / B, annomuricin 1 / E, annomutacin, annonacinone, annonacin,  annopentocin 1 / C, cis-annonacin, cohibin 1 / D, cis-corossolone,  corepoxylone, corossolin, Coronin,  corossolone, donhexocin, epomuricenin 1 / B, gigantetrocin1 / B, gigantetrocin, gigantetronenin, goniothalamicin, gigantetrocinone,   isoannonacin, montanacin,  montecristin, muracin 1 / G, muricatalicin, muricapentocin, muricatetrocin 1 / B muricatin C, muricatalin, muricatenol,  muricin H,murihexocin 3,  muricin I murico-reacin,  murihexocin Ein durch C, murihexol, robustocin,  murisolin, sabadelin, solanine,  rolliniastatin 1 and 2, uvariamicin 1 and 4 xaticin.
Graviola has been fairly well researched and studied. The forms of cancers in which it is useful are: the lung, breast, prostate (adenocarcinoma), pancreatic, liver, lymphoma, etc.. An interesting study took place in 2002 in Japan (in vitro), in which mice were provoked lung cancer was divided into three groups: no medication, with standard medication (Adriamycin), and acetogenin of Graviola. After 2 weeks just the Graviola group mice were still all alive, and the tumors were with 57.9% reduced, compared with unmedicated group (4 of 5 mice were dead) or of the standard therapy (reduced tumors by 54 6%, but half of the animals were already dead, not to mention the severe side effects).
At present a whole series of plants of the same family is intensely researched in laboratories. The main researched substance is annonacin. Today there is the possibility in the laboratory synthesizing of annonacinului that but it seems that is not so efficacious as the natural one. As usual.
Meanwhile however herbalists, but especially cancer patients using Graviole (with over 40 certified efficiency studies acetogeninului) as a complementary or alternative therapy. Given that some studies have reported there are some alkaloid  unsafe in kernel and root , yet these plant parts are not advisable. But the leaves are certified as safe. The dosage recommended for use with preventive Graviola leaf is 2-3 grams daily divided into 4 servings. If intention to treat cancer established, it can go up to 6 grams per day, some herbalists recommending even higher dosages, but for a time not too long. Is would be important to mention that ATP energy,  that is removed by acetogenis cancer cells, on the other hand is stimulated by coenzyme Q10 (antioxidant), and therefore not are administered simultaneously Graviola  with coenzyme Q10.

1 comment:

  1. Here are useful information about treating cancer with Graviola fruit extract
